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7 tips to encourage people to respond with video

Need a little help getting people to submit a video response to your videoask? There’s no way to guarantee video responses, however, there are some things you can do to help respondents feel more comfortable about getting in front of their camera to send you the video response that you’re looking for.

When you use the Open ended answer type, respondents have the option to send a video, audio, or text reply to your question. Read on for some tips on how to give respondents that little extra nudge to respond to your videoask with a video.

1. Set an example and keep it casual

When you create steps for your videoask, are you recording a video of yourself asking them questions? Set an example for your respondents by being on camera, and show them that you’re in it together. If they see you on camera, they’re more likely to feel comfortable being on camera as well. If you need a little guidance on how to record yourself, check out this video with tips on how to feel more confident on camera, and our article on tips for video editing and recording.

Also, keep in mind how you’re dressed in the video. Are you in a suit and tie, or your favorite t-shirt? If you’re setting a relaxed environment with the outfit you've chosen, it’ll be less intimidating for your respondents to record a video response–it’ll make it seem like you’re just having a casual conversation with a friend.

2. Consider your tone of voice

How you speak and the words you use can set the tone of your videoask. If you’re using formal language, it can be a bit daunting to respond back with a video. If you’re reading from a script, it might not feel or sound natural. Think about how you would chat with a friend—keep it light and easygoing. Don’t worry about a few umms and ahhs here and there (we all do it). You can also use the Notes feature to bullet point what you want to say while recording and keep it conversational.


3. Explain who will see the video

Let people know who will see their responses. Will the videos be for internal use only, or will they be shared publicly? Giving respondents a heads-up on who will see their video responses gives them the opportunity to adjust their delivery and presentation according to the audience. Maybe they won’t need to run that comb through their hair after all.

4. Give context as to why you’re looking for a video response

Explaining to respondents why you’re looking for a video instead of an audio or text reply might give them that extra push they need to send you a video. This could be anything from wanting to embed their video testimonial on your website, or simply wanting to get to know them (your customers) better. You’ll get extra empathy points too if you’re explaining why you need a video, on camera–I mean, who wants to say no to your ‘face’? 😉

5. Practice and re-record

Respondents don’t always realize that they can practice and re-record their responses to a videoask before sending it. So let them know! This will take some of the pressure off so that they know they don’t need to get the recording right the first time (or the second, or even the third).

There is also a built-in Notes feature that respondents can use to jot down their thoughts to help them remember what to say.


If respondents need a little guidance on how to complete a videoask, feel free to send them this videoask respondent guide.

6. Start with a low-pressure question

You can help respondents feel more comfortable and get the hang of replying on camera by starting with a fun and easy question. Below are some examples of icebreaker questions that you can use:

  • If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be?
  • If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
  • What’s your favorite movie?
  • Is a hot dog a sandwich?
  • What’s your favorite snack?

7. Only accept video responses

It could be a bit bold, but you can restrict the Open ended answer type to only show the video option, giving respondents no other choice but to answer via video. Take a look at our guide on how to accept only video responses to your videoask.

Looking for more tips on recording videoask steps? Check out this guide with 5 tips for making a better videoask. 📹

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