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Let respondents skip steps in your videoask (workaround)

Created an awesome videoask funnel but want to give respondents the option to skip questions that aren't relevant to them or that they don't want to answer?

Although VideoAsk doesn't offer an out-of-the-box solution to let respondents skip steps in your videoask, depending on your flow, we might have a workaround that fits the bill.

By adding a multiple-choice step before your chosen answer type, you can apply logic to let respondents choose when they want to provide an answer to a step, and when they want to skip a step.

Note: You'll need to be on a paid VideoAsk plan to set up this flow.Ā 

We'll go into more detail below but here's the short version:

1. Present your question and set up a multiple-choice answer type for that step.

2. In the answer options, give your respondents the choice to skip or answer the question.

3. Set up logic to send them to the next question in your flow if they choose to skip, or to a step where they can answer the question if they choose to answer.Ā 

4. Rinse and repeat until you're happy with your flow!

Here's how the logic map of a simple version of this flow could look in the VideoAsk builder. The arrows point to the optional steps that respondents have the choice to answer or skip.


And here's how the videoask appears to respondents. Feel free to have a play aroundā€”this one's set to preview mode so we're not collecting any submissions.šŸ‘‡Ā 

For step-by-step instructions on how to create a similar videoask, check out the instructions below.


Log in to your VideoAsk account and click New videoask and select Start from scratch.



Decide on a name for your videoask, choose if you want to collect contact details from respondents, select your videoask language and choose a folder for your videoask. Then, click Create videoask.


šŸ’”Tip:Ā You can edit all these details later on so feel free to skip them at this stage if you're still not sure.


We're going to work on the structure of our videoask before adding the videos, so we'll click Add video later.



In our first step, we thank our respondents for attending our workshop and ask if they're happy to provide feedback.


šŸ’”Tip:Ā If you're just getting started with VideoAsk, check out our guides on creating your first videoask and building a multi-step videoask.

If they click the Sure, let's go!Ā button, we'll take them to the next step in our videoask. If they click theĀ Sorry, not right now!Ā button, they'll go directly to the end screen.



In our second step, we'll create another step with a multiple-choice answer type to ask respondents what their favorite session was at our Toddlers Basics workshop.



Once they've chosen their favorite session, we want to give them the option to give more details by video, audio, or text, or skip this step and move on to the next question.Ā 

Because there's not yet a function in VideoAsk to skip a step, we'll create a multiple-choice step to give respondents the option to provide more details or skip to the next step.



We'll set up conditional logic to take respondents who want to provide more details to an open-ended answer type where they can answer the question...


and take those who want to skip this question to our next step that asks them which their least favorite session was...



We'll make sure to add logic so those respondents who choose to answer (not skip) the question are also taken to the next question after answering (and not directly to the end screen).



Rinse and repeat this process for any other steps in your videoask flow that you want to let your respondents skip.


When you're happy with your videoask structure, add your videos to each step.


šŸ’” Tip: We recommend checking out your videoask in preview mode before sharing it with your audience to make sure everything is behaving as expected.

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